Financial services
An employee may also be faced with important financial concerns which can significantly impact his or her quality of life at a personal, family and professional level. Under the coverage provided by the Employee Assistance Program, the employee can benefit from a certain number of meetings to address their financial concerns (the number of meetings is determined in each company's EAP contract agreement).
The difficulties for which an employee (or family member, if such service is available according to their contract) reaches out to us generally fall under one oftwo categories:
The difficulties for which an employee (or family member, if such service is available according to their contract) reaches out to us generally fall under one oftwo categories:
- Budget planning;
- Consolidation, restructuring, bankruptcy, estate planning, etc.
Once the case file is opened, the employee or family member (if such service is available according to their contract) is given assistance as part of the program (the number of hours allocated with a professional having been previously established by the employer) through various services according to their personal schedule and preferences:
- Meetings at the professional's office (by appointment);
- Telephone consultation;
- Secure tele-consultation via the Internet.